Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Preparing for the Daniel Fast - The Word

Daily Prayer Calendar

When you practice some appetite-denying discipline to better concentrate on God, don't make a production out of it. It might turn you into a small-time celebrity but it won't make you a saint. If you go into training inwardly, act normal outwardly. Shampoo and comb your hair, brush your teeth, wash your face. God doesn't require attention-getting devices. He won't overlook what you are doing; He will reward you well...A life of God-Worship!  Matthew:16-18 (MSG)

Here is a daily calender that I found online and it lines up with my personal desires from God. This is a good start for anyone that is not really sure what you are seeking God for or you don't know what to read or what to pray for. It works for me and I hope it helps you! My pastor also post daily reading and prayers on the Church's Facebook page, which is an added bonus for me because it requires me to study His word more.

1.  1 Thessalonians 5:18
Pray for God’s will to be done in our lives, our families and in our church.

2.  Jeremiah 29:11   
 Pray for God’s purposes to be accomplished in our lives.

3.  Acts 5:12 
Pray for the salvation of your family, friends and colleagues.

4.  Romans 12: 1-2
Pray for God’s renewal of our minds so we can be a loving church, that we may love each other, and loves those that new to our church.  

5.  2 Corinthians 7:1
Pray for God’s forgiveness and purity to be released in our lives for our spiritual growth. 

6.  Luke 4:40 
Pray for healing for all those that are suffering physically, emotionally and psychologically(make a list of people you know that needs prayer in theses areas, pray daily for them).
 7.  Philippians 4:19
 Pray for God’s provision for those that have lost jobs and are facing financial difficulties.
 8.  Ephesians 2:
 for a heart for missions, to reach out to the Lost.  Help us Lord to do what you have called us to do
 9.  Proverbs 21:1 
Pray for God’s wisdom for our government leaders that they may lead in righteousness. 
 10. John 16:8-9 
Pray for God’s Salvation to come to those who have yet to take the step of faith.

11.  2 Chronicles 7:14
Pray that God will heal our land, our city, and our economy as we seek Him in prayer.

12.  Ephesians 4:11- 13 

Pray for our Pastor’s and ministry leaders, and worship leaders, that they receive wisdom and knowledge as they lead our church.

13.  Romans 10: 14-15
Pray for our Marriage & Family ministry.  Pray for our church families and marriages.  Pray for families living in the city of San Fernando .

14.  Exodus 15:26
Pray that God’s word would bring salvation, deliverance, healing and transformation to all who are in Alpha, Voyage, Life’ Healing Choices, and all of our Life and Support Groups.

15.  John 16:33
Pray for God’s Love & Peace to cover our relationships, that we may live in harmony with each other.

16.  1 John, 4:1
Pray that we would share God’s love to our families, neighbors, schools and colleges. 

17.  1 Peter 4:10
Pray for our ministry volunteers. Pray for strength, resources, provisions as they are doing  God’s will by serving others.

18.  Deuteronomy 10:17 – 18

 Pray for God’s protection for those in our church who are widows, fatherless, and single mothers and fathers. Not only in our church but in our city

19.  Matthew 9:36 – 38
Pray that God will put a greater desire on our hearts to reach the lost and broken around  us.

20.  Micah 6:8
Pray For our ALL of our government leaders, that they would seek God’s help as they lead our Nation.

21.  Psalms 51:14 – 15
Thank the Lord for our salvation; praise Him as we give him honor and praise for the forgiveness of our sins. 

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