Sunday, March 25, 2012

I Have Been Riding the White Horse!!!!!!!!

Y'all I been riding the white horse or some might say the "white stuff": bread, pasta, potatoes,sugar, flour, rice, candy, pastry, cookies, cake!

Why  must these things taste so dang good!

So now that I realize and admitted to riding the white horse...its time to get off and start anew!

Lately I have been eating what I want when I want it! So I to give myself a reality check and I have revamped my healthy lifestyle!

I didn't realize how bad my food choices had gotten because I was so consumed with not eating meat that I disregarded the fact that I have given up meat and replaced it with junk! Now that wasn't too!

My new weight loss plan involves having a healthy diet and exercise plan, prayer, daily devotions, daily meal and fitness tracking on MFP( ) and weekly meetings with my BFF Tiffany Sayles, who is also on an incredible WL Journey, my accountability partner. I do not and will not take any medications or weight loss patches to help me lose weight, I'm doing it the natural way.

My weight loss plan is derived mainly from Oprah's Boot Camp which involves avoidance of refined carbs, increased intake of lean protein , and moderate healthy fats. Coupled with regular exercise.

As part of my weight loss plan, I will undergone a strict diet program that include reducing the intake of certain foods:
  • Overall, eat lean protein, two fruits a day, and all the green vegetables I want.
    •  Lean Protein: 
      • Vegetarians - Soy Products, Beans, Lentils, Grains and Vegetables
        Meat Eaters - Chicken, Turkey, and Fish ( the key is to eat only from 0-2 legged animals..they have far less fat than 4 legged animals)
  • Keep the fat low (for salad dressing, I can use a little olive oil with lemon and garlic).
  • The main rule: DON'T RIDE the WHITE HORSE: bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, white flour, white sugar —as well as candy, pastry, cookies,and cake.
  • For the first month, I will stay away from whole grains (brown rice, oatmeal, whole wheat cereals and breads). After that, I can slowly add them back.
  • The other big rule: I must stop eating three hours before bedtime. Doing this alone will cause weight loss.
  • During the 12 weeks, I get to choose three days when I can allow myself either alcohol (a glass of wine, maybe two; a cocktail) or some refined carbs (one piece of cake, one slice of bread, one bowl of pasta. The key word is one).
Workouts - My workout plan is very simple. I workout 8 times a week over a 6 day period Monday - Saturday and I rest on Sunday. Here is a break down of my workout plan:

  • Monday (day 1/workout 1)
    • 1 hour of cardio and 1 hr of strength training
  • Tuesday (day 2/workout 2)
    •  1 hour of cardio and 1 hr of strength training
  • Tuesday (day 2/workout 3)
    • 1 hour of cardio
  •  Wednesday (day 3/workout 4)
    • 1 hour of cardio and 1 hr of strength training
  • Thursday (day 4/workout 5)
    •  1 hour of cardio and 1 hr of strength training
  • Thursday (day 4/workout 6)
    • 1 hour of cardio\
  • Friday (day 5/workout 7)
    • 1 hour of cardio and 1 hr of strength training
  •  Saturday (day 6/workout 8)
    • 1 hour of cardio and 1 hr of strength training
 I workout for free at home with YT There are tons of free hour long workouts on youtube so there is absolutely no excuse for not working out!

     According to Dr. Phil, if you want to follow Oprah's weight loss plan, you have to follow these steps:

    1. Set a very specific goal - Dr Phil suggests that people should set goals for the weight loss as well as for their emotions.

    2. Work out a very specific strategy - will power alone does not work. People need a very specific strategy.

    3. Identify small, measurable steps - implement a program that suits your lifestyle.

    4. Create a healthy, realistic time line - whatever happens, do not crash diet. Choose fixed dates for the weight you want to be in the future, starting with small steps. Add those dates to your calendar, and stick to them. Don't expect results overnight.

    5. Create meaningful monitoring and accountability - according to Dr Phil, find a partner to help you track your weight and things will become easier for you.