Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Calculate Yourself to Your Goal Weight

I'm really blessed by the support I've gotten during my Flab to Fab journey from family and friends to my e-friends. We all know what its like to want to lose weight whether it's 50lbs or five. I'm not a physician, nutritionist or a personal trainer. I'm just a woman trying to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.

I want to share my journey with all of you and I promise to be honest about my journey, the good, the bad and the ugly. There won't be any GET-THIN-QUICK schemes during my FINERTHANAMUG2012 journey. As much as I want the weight to be gone within a drop of a hat, I will do it an a healthy way that has long-lasting results. I'm determined to eat healthy and exercise regularly.

Let's talk about Calories:
Start by calculating how many calories you need to eat per day just to maintain your current weight (let's do some math!) Take your current weight and multiply by an average metabolic factor to tell you how many calories you can eat per day just to maintain your current weight. A metabolic factor of 11 is used for women and 12 for men.

So let's use my heaviest weight. At my heaviest I weighed 285(wow its still hard to see that number!) anyway back to calculating. So for me to maintain a weight of 285 I would have to eat 285x11 = 3135 calories a day!  WOW....WOW!!!!! I never realize I was eating so many calories. Can you imagine the damage that I was doing to my heart, my liver...shoot, my whole body!

Okay, now let's talk about how many calories I need to eat a day to reach my goal weight of 150lbs, actually I have goal range of 150 - 175, but for the sake of the calculations I use 150lbs. To get down to 150lbs I will need to eat: 150x11 =1650 per day. The great thing about using this calculation approach is that from the start you will be eating the amount of calories you need to maintain your weight lose once you reach your goal.

Okay, so let's say you want to lose one pound per week. We will start by calculating how many calories you need to cut out of your diet to achieve that goal. One pound is equivalent to 3500 calories. To determine how many calories to cut out of your caloric intake per day: 3500/7 =500. 500 is the amount of calories you need to take out of your diet by eating 500 fewer calories, burning 500 calories through physical activity, or a combination of both.



Sunday, December 11, 2011


We have all dealt with hateration one or another. Either we have been hated on or we have been a hater. Come on, I know you don't want to admit that you have hated on someone before but we all have. For me it was in middle school when everybody and their mama was getting a Nintendo for Christmas and I got a pack of Uno Cards...yeah you girl was mad jealous! But as I got older and became more secure in myself I just never had issue with being jealous of anyone for anything. So it amazes me to see and hear about grown ass women and men that hate on each other. I mean are you that insecure with yourself at 30+ years old that you hate on people...for what? So let's get into how to deal with haters.

In order to understand the reason why haters hate, we need know the definition of a hater. A hater is one whose jealousy of another person's success or achievements makes them verbally nit-pick any flaws no matter how small or just make up flaws in order to somehow try and belittle the successful person or to make themselves feel less inadequate.

Don't get mad at haters for hating,keep doing you. Having haters is one way of knowing your constantly doing something right. Understand that it's in a haters spirit to hate. It's not that they hate you, but its that they hate themselves and/or their insecurities. No matter what you do or say the distaste a hater has for you will only grow over time If you continue to succeed, so push forward.

There is no point in reasoning with a hater. The painfulness of their own insecurities and inadequacies are so hard for them to face that hate is the only why they can cope and go on with their lives. You can't talk a hater out of hating. They are not ready to face their fears. Accept that you have haters. Losers don't have haters. Be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. Don't change who you are for your haters. Take care of yourself and retain your self-confidence. Don't let haters drag you down to their level and NEVER HATE BACK.

 The most simple way to deal with a hater is not to deal with them at all. They seems to always posses a negative aura around them and it may rub off on you if you're around them to long, so let a hater do their job, drink haterade!

 Jill Scott sings it best:

Friday, December 2, 2011

Don't put so much weight on the scale

We put to much weight on the scale! We act like the scale is the ONLY measurement to our weight loss success. I'm here to tell that the number on the scale is a very very small indication of how well one is doing on their journey. 

So let's talk about what the scale doesn't show:

The scale doesn't show how many inches you lost last week 

The scale doesn't show how good you jeans fit now or that you have went down a size

The scale doesn't show how you resisted that Strawberry Cake sitting in the break room YELLING AT YOU: TAMEKA COME AND EAT ME! LOL

The scale doesn't show how you, despite being tired from work, the kids, and the hubby...still make time to work out at 90 mins a day
And there is so much more that the scale doesn't show you about your weight loss journey. It was hard for me to learn this but now that I have started to lose weight and my clothes fit different I don't give the number on the scale much weight! I scale is good for telling you how much you weigh and that's it. There is so much more to losing weight and life a healthy lifestyle than the number on the scale.

We all have a common goal and that is to go from our current stats to  more desirable stats. My goal is to lose 100lbs your goal may be to just lose 10lbs either way we both have to put effort into it and work hard to get those desired results! I'm in this for a lifestyle change....what about you? 

Everything you want you will work hard for it. Make a plan and schedule for work outs and meals. Everybody has a crazy busy schedule but you still have to find time to plan your meals and your workouts...GOOD LUCK ON YOUR JOURNEY!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Doing Me!

For as long as I can remember I lived my life for other people. From birth to 18 I lived for my mother. I got pregnant my freshmen year in college so my whole adult life I have been a mother. Everything I done was for my son and his benefit from getting my bachelors in Biology to getting my MPA in Public Health. I even started teaching so that I can have the same schedule as my son...NEVER wanted to be a teacher, but hey I wasn't living for me. Then I met my husband, got married and within a year we had a son. So now I have went from being a single mother to being a wife...oh boy! So now I have live for my husband and my new baby and my older son...still not living for myself! I have ALWAYS lived for other people NEVER for Tameka. But that all changed May 2011, I decided to transition to become a vegetarian. Forsaking all meat while still eating seafood, yeah I didn't want to give up all meat just yet! Then on June 25th I decided to 86 all meat and just go all in. On this day I also decided to start my workout regime. I have faced lack luster support from a lot of people in my close circle. After watching one of Nina "BeautifulBrwnBabyDol" Ellis-Hervey youtube videos on weight loss, I realize that some people don't want you to address your weight issues because it causes them to face their own weight issues. I also realize that some people don't want you to mention your accomplishments because it makes them realize a lack of their own.. So I began to let that be my motivation. My husband was my least supporter. He did not understand why i wanted to change my lifestyle. He say that I would change and that I wouldn't want him anymore. His favorite thing to say is "Your are fine just the way you are". Well that only pushed me to work harder. My BIGGEST supporter is my best friend Tiffany Sayles, she has always encouraged me to continue with my weight loss journey. I want to wish everybody good luck on their weight loss journey. And remember its time to do something for yourself, so get active and get fit!